Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sookie, Sookie now

Some of you may know that I’m a big TwiFanatic. Twilight made me crave for vampires to be a part of my life. After reading all four books, plus the unpublished-not-even-done-because-it-was-leaked-on-the-internet-by-an-obviously-bad-friend-would-be-book of Stephanie Meyers, and then reading Twilight and Midnight Sun simultaneously so that I can see what both Bella and Edward were thinking at the same time just because I couldn’t get enough of it, I needed to scratch my itch for another vampire to be part of my life. (Sad, but oh so very true. lol) So I decided to ask my girl Rach aka The New Mayor of Forks, whom happens to also be a TwiFanatic, and one of the writers for the blog “What The Forks?!” (Check them out:, if she knew of any books that I could read, since I was in desperate need of a vampire fix. (Makes me sound like a crack head, doesn’t it?) Anyhow, Rach recommended the Sookie Stackhouse Series (also known as the Southern Vampire Mysteries, or for you HBO viewers, the books responsible for the show True Blood) written by Charlaine Harris. Automatically, I asked her, “what’s it about?” Her response, “It’s like Twilight.” SOLD! That’s all I needed to hear.

So off to Barnes and Nobles I go with Jon, searching for this Twilight-like book. After wondering around with no success, because honestly, I didn’t know what the heck I was looking for, Jon decides to ask one of the workers. Surprisingly, there was one at the information desk (does anyone else have issues with there never being anyone at the information desk of both Barnes and Nobles and Borders?!?). Jon asks the worker if he knew where the Sookie Stackhouse Series books were, and after pointing me to the right direction, and me seeing HELLA books by Charlaine Harris all with the word “dead” in them, I realized I didn’t even know which one was the first title. So Jon goes back to the guy, and asks which book is first, and Jon comes back, “There are nine books!” DUH?!? That’s why I needed to know which one to get first! Hello?!? Sheesh! (Goodness, that my Mr. Man. Gotta love him for his effort. lol)

After successfully finding the book, Dead Until Dark, I immediately started reading. Rach was right! It was just like Twilight! EXCEPT, it was sooooo obvious that this woman, Charlaine Harris, was not mormon like Stephanie Meyers. LMAO! Seriously, OMFG! I’ve never read anything so graphic before in my WHOLE life! LOL Goodness gracious! The way Charlaine Harris writes, I felt like I was in the freaken bedroom with Sookie, and I was invading her privacy! Let me give you a little taste of what made my jaw drop and eyes pop out (LMAO!):

“It was so sudden that I cried out, but he casually rubbed a finger in his own blood, and then before I could tense up he slid that finger up inside me. He began moving it very gently, and in a moment, sure enough, the pain was gone. ‘Thanks,’ I said. ‘I'm better now.’ But he didn't remove his finger. ‘Oh,’ I said. ‘Would you like to do it again so soon? Can you do that?’ And as his finger kept up its motion, I began to hope so.”

Oh man! Isn’t that some shit?!? Wow. I’m used to reading freaken Harry Potter stories and Bella and Edward’s high school romance. I was so not prepared for anything like that. LOL

I finished the first book in ONE day! ONE freaken day! That, when I was down to the last few chapters, my ass drove to Barnes and Nobles dressed in my freaken tsinelas (slippers), beater and pareo in drizzling weather (I was on my way to Hula/Tahitian practice, and no, I would never go out in public looking like that on purpose! lol), just so I can go straight to the second book as soon as I finish the first one. While at work, I was almost done with the second one, so when I was only a few chapters away from the end of that book, I walked over to the closest book store from my work to get the third one. (Do I sense a form of addiction forming? I think I do. lol) Lucky for me, my girl Der had ALL the books! So she was kind enough to lend me books four to eight. Boy, did I go through those books fast! Unfortunately, Der didn’t have the ninth book, AND they only had the book in hard cover! Meaning it would be more expensive. I was on a mission. I couldn’t sit still. All I could think of was the ninth book! Instead of working, I found my self surfing the web trying to find the book for less. I even went to the San Francisco Main Library across the street from my work, signed up for a library card, only to find out EVERY single copy was already checked out, and was put on a waiting list for the book. I was freaken No. 57!!! WTF?!? I needed the book right then and there. (Can we all say “Sook-a-holic”? LMAO!) So I’m on gmail, chatting with Der, we’re both thinking of where we could find the book for cheap. When I decide to go on Target’s website, and behold *chiming sounds, bright light shining at my computer monitor*, Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris is 40% off online! Holy Mary Mother of God! That was music to my ears! LOL Immediately, Der calls Target in Colma asking for the book, unfortunately some Filipino woman who barely speaks English takes her call. lol The lady kept calling the book “Gone and Away, Vol. 9,” when the book is actually called Dead and Gone. That telephone conversation eventually ended with a, “no ma'am, we don’t hab.” LMAO! Poor Der. That just pissed her off. Hahaha. I went to Target anyway and took my chances. *Here come the chiming sounds again and this time the bright light shining on the book. Lol* I bet that lady didn’t even really look for the book, because there were hella of them when I got there. The book was 30% off in stores, but oh well, beats no discount at all.

I think I read that whole series in about a week! So that’s that, my new found addiction. I barely ate or slept. When I would come home from a night of clubbing, I would read instead of sleep. With this, I can honestly say, “Edward Cullen and Sookie Stackhouse, you both have officially ruined my life.” lol I will never look at a relationship with regular men the same ever again, because of what expectations Edward has given me, and never think of sex the same after all the “gourmet sex” Sookie experienced. LMAO! The following sequel for the Sookie Stackhouse series isn’t supposed to come out until next year! Aaahhhh…..what am I going to do with myself until then? Stephanie Meyers, can you please finish Midnight Sun, so that I can have something else to read, while Charlaine Harris works on her next Sookie book?!?