Monday, May 18, 2009

To my beautiful family . . . . .

ALOHA everyone!!!

I just wanted to thank you all for helping out Saturday. You guys were hands on even though I didn't ask you to help. It made me so happy, as I was running around scrambling all over to place, to see some of you guys in the kitchen helping my mom, and some at the food table helping put chaffing dishes together. You guys are truly the best! Honestly, I don't think there is a family that could ever fade this Pallera Mafia we have.

To April and Ron, thank you for staying until the very last minute to help us clean out the kitchen. I promise, I will be your #1 helper on your wedding day. As promised, I will make sure the schedule goes to plan and smoothly that day.

To Dyna, thank you so much for coming early to help me decorate and to get the "saing" started.

To my sisters Andrea and Jaymie, thank you, thank you, thank you for everything. These two ladies stayed up ALL night (seriously ALL night) wrapping spam musubis for the party! And basically thank you for helping Mommy out at the South City house, while I was busy running around doing other errands. (And Drea, thanks for still doing the games, even though we had no more time. Obviously Johnny was anxious to play. He hurt Justin while playing! LOL)

To Dana and Jasmine, thank you so much for helping out in the kitchen, and helping put the food out on the tables. People would have been hungry much longer without you guys. (Oh, and thank you Dana for helping me get all the money out of my dress. Seriously, you guys treated me like I was a freaken stripper! LMAO!)

To Duane, thank you for helping set up the chaffing dishes. You don't know how happy it was for me to hear you say, "What can I do to help?" Because those were the words I truly needed to hear at that very moment. (P.S. I was watching from the corner, YOU ROCK'D WITH THE POI BALLS! LOL)

To Rosal, thank you for bringing the balloons and getting it organized to have them tied down. And thank you for getting everyone to help my mom get all the food out of the car. I heard you from the other side of the hall "Hey guys! There's more food in the car!" Hahaha.

And to last, but not least, Rich! You're a freaken ROCKSTAR! Thank you so much for performing that night! Everyone loved you (even though you were running on straight fresh off the airplane Filipino time)!!! I wish I was able to sit there and watch, but from the sound of it, everyone enjoyed it.

All in all, THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS (or MAHALO)! I am truly blessed with the best family ever!!! I was bragging about you guys to everyone! Basically trying to show off that my family was better than theirs. LMAO! I love you all!!! I promise, when you guys have kiddies of your own. I will be first up in line to say "What can I do to help?"

Love, love, love you all!

<3 Jill

Friday, May 8, 2009

Why would you name your child that?

It’s Friday. It’s nice outside, yet I still managed to drag my butt to work. It didn’t help either that there was barely anyone in the office today and it was extra quieter than usual. When I got to work, I did my same routine as always: turn on my computer; check my work email; and then open up my Gmail and leave it open. My friend Rach and I started talking about the old singer Buffy (remember her popular cha cha song “Give Me A Reason” back in the 90’s), and I mentioned that Buffy’s real name was actually Bernadette and her family calls her Badette. Then after saying that I wouldn’t want to be called either Buffy or Badette, Rach says to me, “From now on I’m going to call you Badette.” My come back, “Call me that and I’ll call you Gertrude.” LMAO! So that’s when it hit me, one way to make it through this Friday, ask everyone I know on FB and on both my AIM and Gmail chat lists to come up with every single ugly name they can think of. LOL

Before I give out the names others gave me, let me share names that I don’t find appealing at all:

Girls: Bruhilda

Guys: Redentor, Montalban

Here are the names of the people who participated, followed by the names they thought of:

Charrie – Gretchen

Dana - Girls: Allegra; Guys: Norbit

David – Girls: La – A (Pronounced La Dash A), Punani (A girl he met in Hawaii); Guys: Gunther

Den – Girls: Caligula, Magdalena; Guys: Egbert

Drea – Je’Hari, Resbuesha, Bonquisha

Dyna - Athel, Allister

Elaine – Bathsheba, Hildegard

Gerald – Shaniquwalynalenn Marie

Heather – Gidgit

Jai – Pilar Peling

Jaime – Lulane

Jane - Ursula

Jaymie – Girls: Eunice; Guys: Ashley

Jeff – Girls: Mildred, Belula; Guys: Chad

Jill – Dick, Bob

Kelly – Palajuniqua

Kristine – Gertrude

Mon – Helga

Nancy – Uniqua Unique

Rain – Belinda, Melinda, Olga

Ray – Margaret

Rosal - Girls: Zenaida; Guys: Dominador

Stepfanie – Tanquel

LMFAO!!! Thank you guys for participating, and making my Friday go by fast! You guys are the best!

Here is a YouTube video titled "Top 60 Ghetto Black Names" sent to me by my girl Jane. Thanks Jane!