Monday, April 13, 2009

It's All About ME

So as a second blog, I decided it would be nice to talk about myself. After all, this is “Jill’s World.” LOL And what better way to be in Jill’s World, but get to know who I truly am. Anyhow, I’m 26 years old. I have been with my man, Jon Salangsang, for 11 years and 3 months. We have two beautiful children together. Our son, Justin Dominic, is 9 years old, and our daughter, Jaelyn Desiree, is a 13-year-old trapped in a 3-year-old’s body. LOL

I’m always super busy with either work, school, Polynesian dancing, my son’s karate, etc. Seriously though, friends have to book me at least one or two months in advance if they want me to make an appearance. LMAO! I’m probably one of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet, though people often tell me that I look like a “bitch” when they first meet me, but later we become the best of friends. Although, please note, my kindness is not to be taken lightly, because do me, my family, or one of my friends wrong, and I will make sure your existence around me is extra uncomfortable for you. My Pallera Mafia is the best. I believe you can have more than one best friend, because there are many stages in your life where you come across people that are just worth keeping forever. My best friends and close friends are like a second family to me. I look forward to my “Girls’ Breakfasts/Lunches/Dinners/Nights Out” with my gal pals. I anticipate my nights out partying or just staying home watching DVDs or playing Mario Kart with my guy pals. But most of all, I love my family days with Jon and the kids. Those surely take the cake.

My guilty pleasures (though not in this particular order) are FOOD, DVDs, FOOD, dancing, FOOD, karaoke singing, FOOD, Harry Potter books/movies, FOOD, scary movies, FOOD, surfing through Wikipedia coz I be bored at work, FOOD, the Stephanie Meyers Saga (Has Twilight ruined anyone else’s life???), FOOD, spending money I don’t have because everyone deserves to take advantage of retail therapy every once in a while, FOOD, video games (I am super addicted to the Sims 2, and anything that has to do with Guitar Hero or Rock Band.), FOOD (I’ll admit it, I’m a heffer, get used to it.), and my DVR. LOL Can’t imagine life without it.

When I write, I write like I’m talking straight to you, so don’t expect me to be using big words or to have any of my blogs to be free of any errors, because shit, it’s not like I’m getting graded on this. LOL

Anyhow, that’s a glimpse of Jill’s World. So love me, hate me, whatever, I don’t care. I’m just here to express myself. If you don’t wanna hear what I gotta say, then don’t, I’m not going to get all butt hurt about it. LOL PEACE.

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